Saturday, November 16, 2013

Take Action - Have An Opportunist Mindset

Dear Optimist, Pessimist and Realist,

While you guys were busy arguing about the glass of water being half-full or half-empty, I came and drank it.

Sincerely, the Opportunist

Our mindset is absolutely critical and will determine whether we will be successful in our lives. The situations that we find ourselves in can be distilled down to a few basic details. But how we interpret those details determines our actions and reactions to those circumstances. The circumstances are neither good or bad, they are simply the facts of our situation.

Chances are good that you live in a structure with four walls, a floor and a roof. That structure has an exact location and a relative value. Inside that structure are an array of furnishings and belongings. Those are the facts. But how we interpret those facts determines so many things. Our structure may be a house, home, trailer, mansion or something else. It may be in a “good” part of town or “bad” part of town or it may not be in town at all. This structure may be “big” or “small” and may be worth a lot of money or not very much money. We may have a lot of possession or a little. Those possession may be worth a lot or a little. But regardless, we begin to interpret and assign personal value to everything.

Based on those interpretations we begin to act in certain way. If we feel that our circumstances are “poor” and everyone else always has better then we will make a decision not to do anything to change our circumstances because there is no hope, we’ll always have less. And if we feel we are “rich” and everyone else has less then we’ll be scared that we’ll lose what we have to others. However, if we can realize that we have what we have and that there are circumstances better than ours and circumstances worse than ours, then we can make a conscious decision and do something about it.

What I’m talking about is not being an optimist and saying the “glass is half full”. It’s not being a pessimist and saying the “glass is half-empty”. It’s not even about being a realist and saying “there is a glass with water in it”. We need to be opportunists and take action, we need to do something about our situation. At some point it is no longer about analyzing the situation but it’s about taking action and doing something about it.

So if you find yourself sitting on your couch thinking “I wish things were better” then it’s time to change your mindset. It’s time to make a decision to do something about it. Be an opportunist and take action, do something about it right now!

Dear Optimist

Take Action - Have An Opportunist Mindset

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